Audio recording begins
[the gentle rustling of leaves can be heard in the background. There is a constant low throbbing sound throughout.]
HIERONYMUS: Okay- I think I found something. I mean- like, really, this time.
HIERONYMUS: I need you to listen to me. I found something in the woods. I think it's the source of all of this. It's like it appeared overnight, but there's lichen here like it's been here forever. I'll attach my coordinates at the end of this message- I mean, it's a hole. A giant hole in the woods. And I think it's humming, or rumbling? Or... Beating?
HIERONYMUS: I feel sick. It's not on any maps. It doesn't make any sense.
HIERONYMUS: Please tell me I'm not going insane, you haven't heard of this, right?
HIERONYMUS: It's the size of a city block. This isn't some sinkhole. The lichen is old!
HIERONYMUS: Get back to me soon. Please.
Audio recording ends